
(Idris Seabright名義)

(最終更新:2/13, 2001)

Age of Prophecy [review]
 Future, '51/3、Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74、預言の時代(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵)
The Airy Servitor
 Galaxy, 60/4
Aleph Sub One
 Startling, '48/1、New Eves, '94
The Altruists [review]
 F&SF, '53/11、Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74、愛他主義者(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵)
Asking [review]
 F&SF, '55/11、Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74、ある解答(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵)
The Autumn After Next
 If, '60/1
Beaulieu [review]
 F&SF, '66/1、Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74、ボーリョー(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵)
The Bird
 Weird Tales, '51/11
Birthright [review]
 Fantastic Universe, '58/4
The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes
 Maclean's, '50、Rod Serling's Night Gallery Reader, '87
 Weird Tales, '54/3、The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85
Brightness Falls from the Air [review]
 F&SF, '51/4、The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85、光、天より堕ち...(SFM, '72/5、魔女も恋をする:風見潤編, 集英社文庫, S55)
The Causes
 F&SF, '52/6、The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85、真因(NW-SF, '76/8)、ことの起こりは...(Men's Club, '89/11)
Change the Sky [review]
 F&SF, '55/3、Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74、空を変えよ(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵)
Child of Void [review]
 Super Science Stories, '49/11、Invaders of Earth, '52、The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85、無の子供(SFM, '85/7)、かくれ谷の子供(地球への侵入者:グロフ・コンクリン編, ソノラマ文庫海外シリーズ, S59)
 The Original Science Fiction Stories, '56/9
The Corn Dance
 Weird Tales, '50/3
The Counter Charm
 Famous Fantastic Mysteries, '49/8、Androids, Time Machines and Blue Giraffes, '49
 Thrilling Wonder, '55/Win
The Death of Each Day [review]
 F&SF, '58/4、Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74、日々の死(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵)
The Death Wish
 Fantastic Universe, '56/6
The Dobridust
 Thrilling Wonder, '48/2
An Egg a Month from All Over [review]
 F&SF, '52/10、Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85、どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵)
 F&SF, '57/7
The Everlasting Food
 Thrilling Wonder, '50/12、Three Worlds of Futurity, '64
The Family [review]
 Weird Tales, '50/1、聖家族(眠られぬ夜のために, ソノラマ文庫海外シリーズ)
Finders Keepers
 Startling, '54/Summer
Flowering Evil
 Planet Stories, '50/Summer
Follow the Weeds
 Imagination Stories of Science and Fantasy, '51/6
Fort Iron [review]
 Science Fiction Quarterly, '55/11、Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74、アイアン砦(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵)、鉄の砦(奇想天外, '80/12)
Garden of Evil
 Planet Stories, '49/Summer
The Gardener
 Thrilling Wonder, '49/10、The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85
The Goddess on the Street Corner [review]
 Beyond Fantasy Fiction, '53/9、Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74、街角の女神(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵、ファンタジーへの誘い:伊藤典夫編, 講談社文庫、Men's Club, '76/12)
Graveyard Shift [review]
 F&SF, '59/2、Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74、深夜勤務(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵)
The Hashed Brown Buggy
 Chrysalis 9, '81
Hathor's Pets
 Startling, '50/1、The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85
The Hero Comes [review]
 F&SF, '56/11
The Hierophants
 Thrilling Wonder, '49/4
The Himalaychalet
 Thrilling Wonder, '49/2
The Hole in the Moon
 F&SF, '52/2
Horrer Howce
 Galaxy, '56/7、The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85、ホラーハウス(ギャラクシー上:創元推理文庫)
The House in Bel Aire
 If, '61/1
Idris' Pig(The Sacred Martian Pig
 Startling, '49/7、Three Worlds of Futurity, '64The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85
The Inhabited Men
 Planet Stories, '51/9
The Invested Libido
 Satellite, '58/8、The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85
The Invisible Reweaver
 Weird Tales, '50/11
The Island of the Hands
 Weird Tales, '52/9、Three Worlds of Futurity, '64
Judgment Planet
 F&SF, '53/7
The Last Three Ships
 Weird Tales, '50/5
Lazarus [review]
 Startling, '55/Fall、Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74、ラザロ(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵)
The Listening Child
 F&SF, '50/12、The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85、聞こえてくる(SFM, '63/6)、耳をすます子供(Men's Club '85/7)
The Little Red Owl
 Weird Tales, '51/7
 Galaxy, '61/8
The Man Who Sold Rope to the Gnoles [review]
 F&SF, '51/10、The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85
Marriage Manual [review]
 Startling, '54/Fall、Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74、結婚の手引(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵)
 Planet Stories, '50/Fall
The Metal Lark
 Thrilling Wonder, '48/6
The Monitor
 Startling, '54/1
Mrs. Hawk
 Weird Tales, '50/7
The Muralist
 Startling, '52/5
The Neo-Geoduck
 Thrilling Wonder, '49/8
New Ritual
 F&SF, '53/1、The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85
The Nuse Man
 Galaxy, '60/2、The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85
An Old-Fashioned Bird Christmas [review]
 Galaxy, '61/12、Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85、古風な鳥のクリスマス(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵)
Parallel Beans
 If, '60/9
Personal Monster
 F&SF, '55/9
 Thrilling Wonder, '47/12
The Pillows
 Thrilling Wonder, '50/6、The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85
Places to Crawl Through
 IASFM, '79/4
 Thrilling Wonder, '47/10
Professor Kate
 Weird Tales, '51/1
Prott [review]
 Galaxy, '53/1、SF Terror Tales, '55、The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85、プロット(宇宙恐怖物語)
Quis Custodiet...?
 Startling, 48/7
The Rages
 Three Worlds of Futurity, '64
Rations of Tantalus
 Worlds of When, '54
The Replaced
 Thrilling Wonder, '51/4
 Galaxy, '62/10、Three Worlds of Futurity, '64
The Rotohouse
 Thrilling Wonder, '48/8
The Shadow of Horns
 F&SF, '74/7
Shore Leave [review]
 Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74、上陸許可(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵)
Short in the Chest
 Operation Future, '55、The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85、胸の中の短絡(NW-SF, #9)
The Soma Racks
 Startling, '47/3
 Future Science Fiction, #35, '58
 Future Science Fiction, #34, '57
Stawdust [review]
 F&SF, '56/9、Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74、ダミー(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵)
The Stroller
 Thrilling Wonder, '47/8
Super Whost
 Startling, '47/7
Then Fly Our Greetings [review]
 Startling, '51/3、Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74、さればわれらの挨拶を避け...(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵)
Thirsty God [review]
 F&SF, '53/3、Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74、渇いた神(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵、NW-SF, '78/8)
The Unreliable Perfumist
 Thrilling Wonder, '53/2
The Vanderlark
 Planet Stories, '52/1
 Future Science Fiction, #40, '58
Vulcan's Dolls
 Startling, 52/2
The Way Back
 Future, '51/11
White Goddess
 F&SF, '56/7
The Wines of Earth [review]
 F&SF, '57/9、Change the Sky and Other Stories, '74The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85、地球のワイン(どこからなりとも月にひとつの卵、Men's Clib, '68/9、吸血鬼は夜、恋をする:文化出版局)
World of Arlesia
 F&SF, '50/W-S
Wryneck, Draw Me
 Chrysalis 8, '80、The Best of Margaret St. Clair, '85

凡例:(original title)、-sub title-
 F&SF(Fantasy and Science Fiction)

